Thursday 8 October 2015

"The melody of MBV is eternity, and as pop as Abba" - An Interview With Grimm Grimm

Grimm Grimm's 'Hazy Eyes Maybe' is one of our joint favourite records of the year, we were lucky enough to talk to the man behind the moniker, Koichi Yamanoha, about ATP, My Bloody Valentine and playlists.

I loved your record 'Hazy Eyes Maybe', it's incredibly absorbing and I have to listen to the record in its entirety, many people say that the concept of an album is being replaced by playlists and so on, would you disagree?

Thank you. Yes I agree, to me making an album is like writing a story or a painting. Like recording the entire air and time I currently have. I guess the digitisation of music has changed the value of music. You can't touch or see music anyway but I still do prefer listening a whole album on vinyl.

Was the transition from the psych chaos of Screaming Tea Party to the more subtle sound of Grimm Grimm something you intended or did that just happen naturally when you started writing solo?

Yes I guess it naturally happened. It's just songs I've been writing are much easier to arrange and play by myself. but collaborating with other musicians is still very inspiring. 

You had a 7" out on Kevin Shields' Pickpocket Records prior to the album release, how did that come about, are you influenced my My Bloody Valentine?

My friend Charlotte from Le Volume Courbe is involved with Pickpocket, she put all effort to release it. The 7" was very meaningful for me. I met her in this record shop I used to work in and got fired.  I think the melody of MBV is eternity, and as pop as Abba. I'm not a big fan of the word "shoegazer" though.

You're signed to ATP Records now who put on probably the best festivals in the world, if you were ever to curate a festival who would be your headline act?

Most of musicians I love are already dead and gone, but I'd love to ask Leonard Cohen if he can still sing. 

Interview by Marty Hill
Check out Grimm Grimm here

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