Friday 2 October 2015

Ought Somehow Up Their Game On 'Sun Coming Down', A Genuine Contender For Album of the Year

Under a tremendous shadow cast by their sparklingly excellent debut “More Than Any Other Day” released a little more than a year ago, Ought haven’t succumbed to any pressure, but have created an album still vividly exciting, without staying too close to their debut. That tight surging feel to their sound that we came to know and love has not been lost on their sophomore album, and yet the darker tones have been transformed into something more uplifting and upbeat. In particular the track “beautiful blue sky” feels  like  a coming of age for the Montreal collective, as they step away from the already tired Talking Heads comparisons and pen a complete masterpiece of a track on which they're at their tightest, most pensive and sounding more and more like a band that time will refuse to forget.

 On 'Sun Coming Down', Ought have formulated an artistic post-punk sound to call their own, with the keen observational lyrics of vocalist Tim Darcy at the forefront of their distinction. Cleverly written and delivered in his distinctive slightly monotone, twitching voice, Darcy is probably one of the most important songwriters of today. From the observant and witty attack on patriarchy that is 'Men for Miles' to his despair at the idea of a mediocre life on 'Beautiful Blue Sky', there's not a word wasted on the LP. His voice and the instruments come together to sound as though constantly teetering on the edge of a cliff, but the unfussy, understated confidence leaves you in no doubt that they won’t fall. The many ebbs and flows make “Sun Coming Down” a rewarding listen that announces Ought as well worthy of the hype, and I’d argue, well worthy of a lot more.

After such a short time together, Ought are already well formed and very self-aware; a promise of good things to come making it exciting to look forward to the future of this band.


By Nathaniel Wells 

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