Monday 14 September 2015

Pinact on Weezer's 'Pinkerton'

One of the main reasons we started this zine is because we love hearing about other peoples favourite records, and so we decided to launch a sorta series in which we ask some of our favourite artists to talk about one of their favourite albums. Here we have Corrie Gillies of Pinact, who's album 'Stand Still and Rot' is our favourite UK releases in a long time, talking Weezer's 'Pinkerton'

I think it takes a bit of time to fully appreciate this album and that's kind of what makes it so good.  I don't think I'll ever get bored of it or stop listening to it.  Pinkerton is such a brave record to follow up the blue album with.  It's raw and rough around the edges, the total opposite sound of the first album.  

There's the upbeat trademark Weezer pop sound throughout but for me what really makes this record is the underlying darkness and desperation in the vocals and lyrics.  You can't fake that and you can hear the emotion in every single instrument.  The drums explode and the guitars totally scream, it takes a while for your ears to get used to it.  Music doesn't usually sound this raw and I can't really think of another album that sounds anything like Pinkerton.

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